Thursday, May 30, 2013

α€™α€Š္α€žα€Š့္ Android α€–ုα€”္းမဆို Pattern Lock , Passwords Lock , Pin Lock α€™်ားα€€ို α€–်α€€္ထုတ္ေပးႏိုင္α€™α€š့္ Application ပါ

α€™α€Š္α€žα€Š့္ Android α€–ုα€”္းမဆို Pattern Lock , Passwords Lock ,
 Pin Lock α€™်ားα€€ို α€–်α€€္ထုတ္ေပးႏိုင္α€™α€š့္ Application ေα€œးတင္ေပးα€œိုα€€္ပါα€α€š္...
 ေပးထားတဲ့α€–ိုင္α€€ိုေα€’ါင္းၿပီး α€›α€œာတဲ့ ZIP α€–ိုင္α€€ို α€™ျα€–α€Š္α€˜ဲ SD Card ထဲα€žိုα‚•
 α€‘α€Š့္α€€ာ CWM (Recovery Mode ) α€žို႕၀င္ၿပီး
 Install α€œုပ္ေပးα€œုိα€€္α€›ံုျဖင့္ ထဆင္ေျပ α€žြားα€™ွာ
ျα€–α€…္ပါα€α€š္ခင္α€™်ာ... α€α€€α€š့္α€€ို ၀မ္းေျα€™ာα€€္α€…α€›ာေα€œးပါα€˜ဲ.. Pattern Lock , Passwords Lock , Pin Lock α€€်ေα€”α€žူα€™်ားထတြα€€္α€€ေတာ့ α€œံုး၀ ထဆင္ေျα€•α€žြားတာေပါ့α€—်ာ။

Download :

Android ေတြα€€ို Root ႏိုင္တဲ့ 007Root Tool 3.1

ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္ α€’ီ Software α€€ို α€’ီေα€”α‚”α€™ွ ေတြα‚•α€œာတာပါ.. Root α€œုပ္α€”ိုင္တဲ့α€…ာရင္းα€€ို ေထာα€€္α€™ွာေα€–αšျပထားα€α€š္.. α€žူ႔ပံုα€…ံα€€ UnlockRoot α€”ဲ႔တူα€α€š္.. Unlock Root ထက္ပိုα€…ြα€™္းα€α€š္α€œိုα‚” α€–ုα€”္းကၽြα€™္းα€€်င္α€žူေတြα€€ေျပာα€α€š္α€—်.. UnlockRoot α€€ို တရုတ္α€”α€Š္းα€”ဲα‚” α€€ြα€”္႔ထားတာထင္α€α€š္.. ကၽြα€”္ေတာ္ α€™α€…α€™္းα€›ေα€žးပါα€˜ူး.. α€™ိတ္ေဆြα€™်ား α€…α€™္းၿပီးα€žံုးα€–ို႔တင္ေပးα€œိုα€€္တာပါ..  Root α€”α€Š္းα€€ေတာ့ Driver α€žိα€›α€™α€š္.. USB Debugging α€”ဲα‚” Unknown Source α€€ိုထမွα€”္ျခစ္ထားα€›α€™α€š္.. α€–ုα€”္းα€€ို Fast Boot Mode ဝင္ၿပီး USB α€”ဲα‚” α€€ြα€”္ပ်ဴတာα€™ွာခ်ိတ္α€›α€™α€š္.. α€’ါဆို Root α€œုိ႔ရၿပီα€œိုα‚” ေα€›းထားပါα€α€š္..

Galaxy Note2 (i7100)
Amazon Kindle Fire
HTC Sensatio
Galaxy Nexus (i9250)
LG Optimus 3D (P920)
HTC Wildfire S
Galaxy Note (I9220
LG Optimus 2x
HTC Desire S
Galaxy SIII (I9300)
LG Optimus LET
HTC Incredible S
Galaxy SII (I9100)
LG Optimus Black
Galaxy S (I9000)
Sony St17a
Moto Defy (MB525) 
Sony Lt15i
Moto Atrix (MB860) S
ony Lt18i


Y210 Series ေတြα€€ုိ Recovery α€€ေα€” Root,ျα€™α€”္α€™ာα€…ာ,α€œα€€္α€€ြα€€္ထကုα€”္α€‘α€Š့္α€”α€Š္း

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ေα€€်းဇူးတင္ခ်င္ရင္ေတာ့ α€žူα‚”α€€ိုα€žာ ေα€€်းဇူးတင္α€œိုα€€္ၾကေတာ့α€—်ဳိα‚•..
ပထမဆုံး α€’ီ α€–ုိင္ေα€œးα€€ုိေα€’ါင္းα€œုိ္α€€္ပါ။
Y210 Recovery Installer           
ျပီးα€žြားရင္ေတာ့ α€€ုိ SD card ထဲα€‘α€Š့္α€œုိα€€္ပါ။
ျပီးရင္ Volume Down + Power α€”ဲFastboot Mode ၀င္α€œုိα€€္ပါ။
Huawei LOGO ေα€œးရပ္ေα€”ျပီဆုိရင္ ၾကိဳးထုိးα€œုိα€€္ပါ။
Download α€œုပ္ထားတဲ့ Tool α€€ုိα€–ြင့္α€œုိα€€္ပါ။

α€™ိα€™ိα€–ုα€”္းα€€ုိေα€›ြးခ်α€š္ျပီး α€œုပ္ပါ။

ထားα€œုံးျပီးα€žြားရင္ေတာ့ α€–ုα€”္းα€€ုိ Battery ျα€–ဳတ္ျပီး Recovery Mode ၀င္α€œုိα€€္ပါ။
Volume Up + Power α€€ုိα€–ိႏွိပ္ထားရင္ Recovery Mode α€€ုိေα€›ာα€€္ပါျပီ။

ေပးထားတဲ့ α€€ုိ Install zip From SD Card α€€ေα€”ေα€›ြးေပးα€œုိα€€္ရင္ထဆင္ေျပပါျပီ။
ျပန္တက္α€œာရင္ေတာ့ α€™ိα€™ိα€–ုα€”္းα€Ÿာ Myanmar Font,FrozenKeyboard,Root Access တစ္ခါα€α€Š္းထကုα€”္α€›ျပီးျα€–α€…္ပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္။

Special Credit to : ၿဖိဳးခ်α€™္း (MMSD)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Kaspersky Rescue Disk on May/8/2013)

Kaspersky Rescue Disk

Kaspersky Rescue Disk is a free and safe program to remove viruses from a computer without the risk of getting infected! Kaspersky Rescue Disk is designed to scan and disinfect x86 and x64-compatible computers that have been infected.

α€’ါေα€œးα€€ေတာ့ Service α€žα€™ားေတြα€‘α€žံုးျပဳၾကတာα€™်ားα€žα€œုိ ေα€”ာα€€္ပိုင္းα€™ွာα€œα€Š္း Home User ေတြα€‘α€žံုးျပဳα€œာၾကတာေတြ႔ရပါα€α€š္။ α€žူα€€ α€…α€€္ထဲα€™ွာ Virus ေတြေα€žာင္းα€€်α€”္းα€œြα€”္း တဲ့ထခါ α€…α€€္α€€ို α€‘α€žံုးျပဳα€–ိုα‚” α€™α€œြα€š္α€€ူေတာ့တဲ့ထေျခထေα€”α€™်ိဳးေတြα€™ွာ ထေα€€ာင္းဆံုးα€‘α€žံုးျပဳ α€”ိုင္ပါα€α€š္။ α€–ုိင္ဆိုα€’္α€€ 300 MB α€žာα€›ွိျပီး ေα€”ာα€€္ဆံုး Update α€œုပ္ထားတာေၾကာင့္ α€œုိထပ္ ရင္ေထာα€€္α€™ွာ ေα€’ါင္းα€šူα€žြားα€œိုα€€္ပါ။ α€‘α€žံုးျပဳပံုα€€ိုα€œα€Š္း α€™ူရင္းဆိုα€’္ကထတိုင္း တင္ျပေပး α€œိုα€€္ပါα€α€š္α€—်ာ...။

The application should be used when the infection is so severe that it is impossible to disinfect the computer using anti-virus applications or malware removal utilities (such as Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool) running under the operating system. In this case, disinfection is more efficient because malware programs do not gain control when the operating system is being loaded. In the emergency repair mode, you can only start objects scan tasks, update databases roll back updates and view statistics. Boot from the Kaspersky Rescue Disk to scan and remove threats from an infected PC without the risk of infecting other files or computers. Burn this ISO image to a CD, insert it into the infected system’s CD-ROM drive, enter the PC’s BIOS, set it to boot from the CD and reboot the PC.

Configure the computer to boot from CD/DVD

Use the Delete or F2 keys, to load the BIOS menu. The keys F1, F8, F10, F11, F12 might be used for some motherboards, as well as the following key combinations:
    • Ctrl+Esc
    • Ctrl+Ins
    • Ctrl+Alt
    • Ctrl+Alt+Esc
    • Ctrl+Alt+Enter
    • Ctrl+Alt+Del
    • Ctrl+Alt+Ins
    • Ctrl+Alt+S
Information how to enter the BIOS menu is displayed on the screen at the start of the OS boot:
  1. In the BIOS settings on the Boot tab, select loading from a Removable Drive (you can find more detailed information in the documentation to the motherboard installed on your computer).
  2. Connect a USB-drive with the recorded image of Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 to your computer.
Kaspersky USB Rescue Disk 10 is ready for work. You can boot a computer from it and start the system scan.

Boot your computer from Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10

  1. Restart your computer. After reboot, a message will appear on the screen: Press any key to enter the menu.

  1. Press any key.
If you do not press any key in 10 seconds, the computer boots from hard drive automatically.

  1. In the start up wizard window that opens, select the graphic interface language using the cursor moving keys. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard.

  1. Read carefully the license agreement of Kaspersky Rescue Disk. If you agree with all terms, press 1 on the keyboard. To reboot the computer, press 2. To shut down the computer, press 3.

  1. Select one of the following start up methods:
    • Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Graphic Mode loads the graphic subsystem.
    • Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Text Mode loads the text user interface represented by the Midnight Commander (MC) console file manager.
    • Boot from Hard Disk.
  2. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard.

Once the actions described above have been performed, the operating system starts. It scans your computer for connected devices and searches for file systems of your local and removable disks. Once the operating system has started, you can start work with Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10.

Scan in graphic mode

In order to start a scan process using Kaspersky Rescue Disk and remove malware from the computer, perform the following actions:
  1. Boot your computer from Kaspersky Rescue Disk in graphic mode.
  2. In the bottom left hand corner of the screen click on the button and select Kaspersky Rescue Disk from the open menu.
  3. Go to the Objects Scan tab.
  4. Check the boxes next to objects to be scanned for viruses. By default, Kaspersky Rescue Disk scans Disk boot sectors and Hidden startup objects.
  5. Click on the Start Objects Scan button.

  1. Once the scan process is complete and malicious objects are detected, the application will asks you to select the action to be performed with detected threats. You can select one of the following actions:
    • Disinfect. After an object is disinfected you will be able to work with it.
    • Quarantine. If the scan of quarantined objects after update option is enabled in the application settings, quarantined objects will be rescanned after each databases update and as soon as objects are disinfected they will be available to work with.
    • Delete. You can delete infected objects if disinfection fails. Info about deleted objects will be displayed in the report.

Scan in text mode

To start a scan process using Kaspersky Rescue Disk and remove malware from the computer, perform the following actions:
  1. Load computer with Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 in text mode.

  2. In the main menu of the loaded file manager Midnight Commander use the arrows to select the required scan type and press the Enter key on the keyboard (or on the keyboard press the symbol located on the left on the Midnight Commander window).

Kaspersky Lab experts recommend to scan autostart objects in turn (for this, press s on the keyboard) and the boot sector (press B on the keyboard).
  1. When the scan is over, update the ant-virus databases of Kaspersky Rescue Disk. For this, select Start update in the main menu of Midnight Commander and press either Enter or u on the keyboard.

How to Use
  • Download "kav_rescue_10.iso" and Burn with Ultra ISO, Neo or Power ISO something like that.
  • And Reboot your PC and Use according above Method.

Download Kaspersky Rescue Disk


ေα€™းထဲα€€α€…ာထိပ္ေတြα€€ိုα€›ွင္းα€œα€„္းေပးα€™α€š့္ MailWasher Pro (2013) 7.1.0 Multilingual

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α€–ြင့္α€œိုα€€္α€›ံုα€”ဲα‚•ေα€™းထဲα€€α€…ာထိပ္ေတြα€œာေα€•αšေနပါα€œိα€™့္α€™α€š္ ေထ့ခါα€€်ရင္ မၾကိဳα€€္တဲα‚•α€…ာထိပ္
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α€”ဲα‚•ေα€™းထဲα€€ိုတန္းေα€›ာα€€္α€žြားေတာ့တာα€˜ဲ ၾကိဳα€€္α€α€š္ ေထာ္ေျပာရထံုးα€™α€š္
ေα€™းထဲα€€ိုတန္းေα€›ာα€€္α€α€š္ဆိုတာα€€ α€–ြင့္α€œိုα€€္တာα€”ဲα‚•α€™ေα€›ာα€€္ေα€žးပါα€˜ူး
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ဝင္ခ်င္တဲ႕ထေα€€ာα€€္α€€ိုα€‘α€Š့္ေပးα€œုိα€€္ျပီး ေဆာ့ဝဲα€œ္α€€ check mail α€€ိုႏွိပ္α€œိုα€€္ရင္
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

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